What is the Skilled Occupation List?

The Skilled Occupations List summarises the occupations Australia needs to fill skill shortages. Australia’s most in-demand professions are compiled in the Skilled Occupation List. To reflect the most recent demands of the Australian labour market, the list is updated on a regular basis. The Australian government uses the Skilled Occupation List as a guide for deciding which skilled migrants are eligible for certain visa categories, including work visas.

To solve skill shortages and boost the economy, the Australian government uses the Skilled Occupation List to make sure that the nation recruits highly trained workers in occupations that are in high demand. If your profession is on the list, you may be the key to getting a skilled visa and opening employment prospects in Australia.

To know more about skilled occupation list and how you can use it with 4 simple steps to achieve your Visa  4 steps to use skilled occupation list to achieve your visa

Use skilled Occupation List Click here

About The Author


Jane Madu Akusoba is a Relocation Coach.
I also share practical information and take you through steps that lead to successful outcomes. I am a practical person!!

I am a Registered Nurse in Australia 🇦🇺 (Bsc Nur, MSc Clin Nur), I was a lecturer ( BA, PGE, MPhil). I am a business babe ( MBA).
I am a motivator who believes in sharing information to empower people. KNOWLEDGE Is POWER!!

I strongly believe that Not giving up on your dream is the key to SUCCESS. There is always an alternative to your failed plan , try harder to find it ! Goodluck

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